For a decade now, the festival's visual campaign has used remote places and undiscovered territories as its leitmotiv. The jungle, the desert, the cosmos, volcanic areas, or fantasy worlds... All of them have been metaphors for the explorer spirit that has guided Curtocircuíto since its beginnings: to investigate, discover, and show emerging talent and new languages, not only cinematographic but also audiovisual.
In 2024, we will explore the ocean depths. The visual campaign, developed by the Basque designer
Iñaki López Allende (eenyakee) and the festival's artistic direction, proposes an approach halfway between scientism and poetry, an aesthetic crossover between oceanographic research and science fiction.
The researcher and social anthropologist
Valeria Mata (Mexico, 1992) has written for Curtocircuíto a beautiful reflection on oceanic depths and abyssal meetings. You can read it here.
You can read it here.