
Season Tickets

20 €
Live AV shows season ticket:
30 €
Full season ticket (screenings + live AV shows):
40 €


Screenings each session: €4

Concerts, Live AV Shows and Special Sessions

Live AV shows Teatro Principal: 8 € each session
Friday 4 October, Sala Capitol:
14 €
Saturday 5 October, Sala Capitol:
14 €
Special sessions at the Teatro Principal: free of charge after collecting your ticket

Ticket Sales

Online: Online purchase of all festival tickets is recommended through the compostelacultura.gal platform

Zone C - Cultural Information Point (Plaza de Cervantes):
tickets for all the screenings and events of the festival, whatever their location. Opening hours: Tuesday to Saturday, from 11.00 to 14.00 and from 16.00 to 19.00 h. Telephone: 981 54 24 24 62 

Teatro Principal:
tickets for all the screenings and events of the festival, regardless of their location. Opening times: during the festival (from 2 to 6 October) from one hour before the start of the first session until the start of the last session of each day. Telephone: 981 542 349


The closing ceremony is free until full capacity is reached, and tickets must be collected at the box office of the Zona C - Cultural Information Point (Plaza de Cervantes) two days before the event.

If you buy any type of season ticket online, you must pick it up physically in Zone C.

The screening pass does not give access to live AV shows; the live AV show pass does not give access to screenings.

The screening pass does not guarantee access to all screenings. Access to the screenings will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Please note that if tickets to a certain screening are sold out in advance you won’t be able to access them even if you present your season ticket.

You can exchange your season pass for tickets both in Zone C and at the Teatro Principal, at the times indicated above.

Training activities are not included in the season passes.