We close Curtocircuíto 2024!


Thank you very much for joining us one more year in Curtocircuíto!

Tonight we celebrate the closing ceremony, surrounded by friends. We put an end to a week of cinema, music, meetings and special sessions.

We enjoyed the show CRISPR, the pattern of life AV by Bromo (Paloma Peñarrubia & Azael Ferrer), and screened the Audience Award winning film: Las novias del sur by Elena López Riera.

Here is the complete list of this year's winners:

Cosmos Award for Best Film: It Will Be Better Before by Keto Kipiani

Best Innovative Film Award: Exit Through the Cuckoo’s Nest by Nikola Ilic

Best Spanish Film Award: Las novias del sur by Elena López Riera

Galiza Prize: Humedalia, by Irene Saez Carballeira

Galiza Special Mention: A fotografía velada é espazo para unha proposta de memoria, by Sabela Eiriz

Supernova Prize: Pura, by Carmen Méndez

Youth Jury Award: For here am I sitting in a tin can far above the world by Gala Hernández

Youth Jury Special Mention: Frialdad, by Andrea Sánchez

Audience Award: Las novias del sur by Elena López Riera

Cátedra Cruz Roja - USC Award: Pura, by Carmen Méndez

#OutraCompostela Award: Fontes, by Mario Elías Blanco Boullosa and Andrea Rodríguez Regodeveses. 

See you at the next edition of Curtocircuíto!

Thank you! 

Stay tuned