Plunge into the ocean depths


This year we are moving towards an even a more compact and curatorial model through lectures, round tables and live shows that will be interspersed with the screenings in our two main locations: Teatro Principal and Sala Capitol. We present the news of Curtocircuíto!

The sea and the ocean depths is the editorial theme that runs through this year's festival and all our programming comes close to it. The film Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (Stuart Paton, 1916), live music by the ephemeral group Submarina de Improvisación (Xavier Bértolo, keyboards and synthesisers, Paulo Pascual, theremin, and Saúl Puga, contrabass) will open our twenty-first edition, a live cinema designed specifically for the opening night.

This film, based on the work of the same name by Jules Verne, featured the technical work of John Ernest Williamson, who had developed the first underwater photography and filming system just a year earlier.  It is precisely this innovative encounter between science and art that is the main reason for the choice of this film and one of the convergences that the festival wants to explore through various activities. 

The marine and scientific theme is completed by the audiovisual shows: 

  • The Dance of the Witches. Emil Saiz & Judith Adataberta ft. Jean Painlevé, curated by Curtocircuíto.
  • URHO AV with Iván Torres, Andrés Rodrigues and Xoán-Xil.
  • Dopo la pausa by Irene de Andrés and Javi Álvarez.
  • CRISPR the Pattern of Life, by the duo Bromo (Paloma Peñarrubia and Azael Ferrer).
  • The AV inspired by the world of crustaceans and arthropods presented by 33EMBYW & Joey Holder.

We present the Special Sessions

Session Follow a Cable and Bury Us in the Sea by the artist and teacher Mario Santamaría 

Santamaría, who lives in Barcelona, has exhibited in cities such as Stuttgart and London. In his talk in Santiago de Compostela, he will address how the Internet is made up of a series of materials, constructions and interventions that are hidden from the naked eye, from nondescript buildings in the centre of our cities to urban beaches where the submarine cables that connect countries and continents are buried under the sand. Mario Santamaría proposes a drift following our data to learn about the global telecommunications infrastructure.

This session will be completed with the screening of Deep Down Tidal (Tabita Rezaire, 2017), a video essay that weaves together cosmological, spiritual, political, and technological narratives about water and its role in communication, then and now. The piece addresses how this network of undersea cables facilitates the accumulation and expansion of capitalist power.

Instruments of Vision: Methodologies and Analogies between Science and Fantasy

This special session will be organised in collaboration with the Art.Lab of the Instituto Galego de Física de Altas Enerxías (IGFAE) based on its exhibition Instrumentos de Visión by artist Armin Linke and curated by Mónica Bello from Arts at CERN. The activity will include the participation of the director of IGFAE, theoretical physicist Carlos Salgado; the head of Scientific Culture of the CSIC-Galicia, Luísa Martínez and the artist and sound researcher Xoán-Xil. The conversation will start with the work exhibited by Linke to make an analogy between the instruments of scientific vision and the tools of vision and filming and, from there, delve into the analogies and divergences between the methods of artistic and scientific research. 

Session Futures of the Deep Sea: Science and Fiction in Deep Dimensions by the oceanographer, writer, and artist Mae Lubetkin

Lubetkin will unveil the stories and studies of the Seafloor Futures project, realised through workshops, co-fabrication, 3D reconstruction, animation, sound design, written works, and a 3D database compiled from her study of deep-sea habitats. This generates counter-narratives and submerged imaginaries that reconfigure our relationship to deep-sea worlds while advocating an anti-extractivist future. 

Mae Lubetkin's artwork engages in dialogue and tension with science. Lubetkin, a marine geologist and expert in underwater imaging, is an artist-in-residence at the Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary TBA21 in collaboration with Ocean-Archive. 

Metaturistic Expedition by the anthropologist Valeria Mata and the artist Marcos PTT

As the culmination of the Special Sessions, we propose a walk through the city streets to make tourism out of tourism. A playful drift via ethnography and active listening by the anthropologist Valeria Mata and the artist Marcos PTT.  

In this Metaturistic Expedition, we went out into the street and explored our city in search of those places of citizen friction to rethink the public space and contribute a grain of sand in constructing new urban and social imaginaries for Compostela.

Organized in collaboration with the Galiza Emocional collective.

Stay tuned